Friday, December 17, 2010


Lesson # 8-Teaching with Contrived Experiences

In this lesson teaching with contrived experiences, from the word contrived it means unnatural ,forced ,lacking realness . Contrived experiences are copies of reality that were just edited, it means that by drawn and designed to stimulate to real-life situations.
Contrived experiences lead to a suspension of a disbelief. In other words, during the period of experience, the learner believes in the reality of the experience.



As what i have read, direct purposeful experiences are our concrete and firsthand experiences that make up the foundation of learning.This means that we can easily learn things by discovering it on our own way, more practice can enhance our learning capability,doing things on our own way will help us to be independent.We can learn things on different way but we will learn more if we can discover things by ourselves.Direct experiences lead us to concept formation and abstraction,it means that by learning through our own way we can easily determine the things that we already knew.


Lesson6-Using and Evaluating Instructional Materials

One of the effective ways of students easy way of learning is the teachers way of discussion, the teacher should know how to get the students attention by making his/her discussion presentable and understandable in the class.Taking The students out of the campus is a big help so that they may not get bore inside the classroom,taking them on a place that is related on your subject or discussion like a field trip or a camping or any exposure that you may think help the students interest, it is not just enough them the place without even saying anything about the place, a teacher should be flexible at all time, be like a tourist guide were you know how to describe the place and the surroundings...a student will learn more if he/she has already an experience


Lesson5-The Cone Of Experience

Learning can be achieved in different ways,there are lot of steps and effective learning strategies to be applied in teaching the students,teaching them by the use of pictures or symbolic representation like illustrations and charts could also help in students faster way of learning, a thorough of explanation and discussion is really necessary for the discussion to be understood.


Lesson4-Systematic Approach to Teaching

This lesson explains about the method userd by the teacher in the teaching field, this requires much effort like using different teaching strategies and teaching skills.
The teacher should also apply motivational process in the classroom and learning activities, reading and writing are just too common inside the classroom,conducting interviews,reporting,doing representation,discussing,dramatizing using of visual aids and charts could be some of the uncommon examples of learning activities inside the classroom.


Lesson3-The Roles of Educational Technology in Learning

Technology plays an important role in students learning, it serves as source and presentor of knowledge. Students nowadays mostly rely their learnings by the help of technologies... the use of technology is really a big help for us students especilly if the teacher gives us a hard and big task, it is more easier for us and in just one click we can easily found out what we are looking for...Technology plays a big role anywhere for example in theclass,using of powerpoint can help us students to understand and learn more about the teachers discussion. LB#4


Technology:Boon or Bane?

As of now i foresee technologies as a boon specifically the use of computers,computers may have its disadvanatages but its just up to us if we will abuse this oppurtunity, i can say that computers are really ad vantagious for me, like now, the teacher requires us to submit what we have learned in his previous discussion through computers and because of this God-given thing it is more easier for me to pass the requirements.Technologies are really very important especially in the kind of lifesyle that we have now, using the modern technologies could make our life easier and we can save much time and effort in our everyday life.